About Illinois Budget Clock

Why did this happen?

The Illinois state constitution requires the governor and the General Assembly to pass a budget for the state. Since July 1st, 2015, they failed to do that, and we still have no budget.

Republican Gov. Rauner and the Democratically-controlled legislature each presented their own wildly-different budget proposals. The main fight is over Gov. Rauner’s Turnaround Agenda which, among other things, strips collective bargaining rights from unions. Neither side has agreed to a compromise, and each side blames the other for the deadlock.

Gov. Bruce RaunerGov. Bruce Rauner
Illinois House Speaker Michael MadiganHouse Speaker Madigan
Illinois Senate President John CullertonSenate President Cullerton

Read more about the Illinois budget crisis:

What is this website?

Illinois Budget Clock aggregated stories of the impact of the budget impasse in order to impose a greater sense of urgency and pressure Illinois politicians to act.

To stay posted, follow ILBudgetClock on Twitter and Facebook.


This is a volunteer, open-source project at Chi Hack Night.
